Cross Mountain Church Jobs

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Cross Mountain Church started in 1997 in Leon Springs, a community on the
outskirts of San Antonio, on January 12 by Pastor Jerry McNeill and Pastor Gary
Adams. It was a cold, icy day – but still over 100 people showed up for the first
service in Leon Springs Elementary. Cross Mountain would spend the next several
years moving from location to location, looking for a permanent place to call
In July of 2002, Cross Mountain purchased the land where the church is currently
located and started meeting in a red and white round tent on that property. In
October of that same year, Pastor Randy and Kelli Ayres moved their family to San
Antonio and started pastoring Cross Mountain. At that time there were about 35
adults attending Sunday services in the tent.
In spite of the obstacles, by 2004 Cross Mountain grew to nearly 200 people while
meeting in the tent. In October of that year, they moved into a small auditorium in
the middle of their property. With God’s hand and favor on the church, CMC
continued to grow and impact the community.

The following positions have already been filled

Cross Mountain Church

San Antonio, Texas